Coaching Credentials

Career Synergy is comprised of more than 20 seasoned Organizational Psychologists and accredited executive coaches/supervisors who are handpicked to partner with you. Our credentials are founded on the rigorous training, deep expertise, international experience and character of our qualified coaches and supervisors. We have all held leadership and entrepreneurial roles, so we know what it is to be bold, encounter setbacks and persevere.

As Chartered Psychologists we understand how to align purposeful leadership to fluid organisational needs and how shared meaning drives exceptional performance.

  1. We hold Board level operational and NED experience in creating cultural change
  2. Regularly work with global leaders in uncertain situations to deliver organisation-wide results at pace
  3. Industry recognised through publications and active contributions advancing the field of coaching and supervision
  4. Bring compassion, a sense of humour and dynamism to help your transformational agenda
  5. Highly accredited, hold to professional ethical codes of practice and are engaged in ongoing supervision to maintain our learning edge

We believe in true partnership giving you access to our collective bench strength through our managed service approach

Working With Career Synergy


“Peter has, in a very low key way, woven together a wonderful team of people, knitted together throughout his experience and collected them through his own career”

“One of the nice bonuses about working with Peter is that he’s very warm, he’s very friendly, he’s highly supportive, and the people that he works with tend to match those values.”

“I’m recognised for my skills, but also the client gets precisely what they need”

“We…disrupt people’s thought process and thinking patterns to actually think about their career and the ways they go about their work in a different way”

Our Consultancy

Becoming An Agent For Change

“We help people, with a particular methodology, to bring structure and discipline to good ideas and make them live and breathe.”

Our Executive Coaching

Why Coaching?

“Coaching for me is about changing the conversation people have with themselves, and with each other and with the world”


Executive Coaching

“It’s such an inspiring and engaging exercise for people to participate in.”


Executive Coaching For Progression

“There is something really fundamentally different about stepping up into a more senior role, and often that’s quite destabilising”

Our Career Coaching

Career Coaching

“There’s an expectation that we will be changing careers several times throughout our working life, so I my role is to help people make those transitions”


Shifting Mindsets

“We are also interested in that mindset shift where you’re moving into a senior leadership role and you’re going to have to engage and delegate and work with others in fundamentally different ways in order to create impact through others, at scale.”

Our Transition Labs

“Fundamentally, what we are paying attention to are to those first 100 days that are critical in setting the tone, the relationship engagement and strategic outlook, whist remaining open to the context that you’re embedded in.”

Our Supervision

The Purpose Of Coaching Supervision

“As supervisors you can be more provocative… you can really stretch their thinking, challenge people more, and enable them as a result to hold a different frame while they’re coaching”


Coaching Supervision – Internal Teams

“Fundamentally we want to create a clearer line of communication between those coaches, which historically work in isolated, black-box, confidential conversations, taking the thematic elements that work across the the cohort of clients, to improve the quality of talent development and leadership development pipelines within the business.”


Working As A Coaching Supervisor

“You’ve got this beautiful curiosity and willingness to learn and grow, so you can have some really deep conversations and some really broad conversations”

We’ve successfully supported clients from:

Start The Conversation

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you drive the performance of the business, get the best out of your Executive Team and your Board of Directors give us a call today…

Next Steps

Let’s explore your needs via a free chemistry call

Start your coaching journey within 7 days

Email us today: enquiries@careersynergy.com

Our Specialist Coaches

As Occupational Psychologists and seasoned executive coaches we understand how purpose and mindset drive exceptional behaviours.  Whether you’re seeking to evolve your leadership style, thinking about a career change, transitioning into a new leadership role or seeking to get the best out of your leadership team our world-class executive coaches and Transition Lab specialists can help