FAQ Team Coaching

What is Team Coaching?

Coaching as a continuous and positive process that supports individuals in building awareness of their strengths, values and behaviour, and relating this to a goal or goals, and then taking the action necessary to enable change.  Coaching is an extremely effective way to develop skills and optimise performance. Coaching works by taking a positive approach to problem-solving and learning, turning negative, self-limiting beliefs into positive action and results.

We provide team coaching for:

  • Facilitating departmental vision, strategy and communication
  • Senior leadership team building and coaching for high performance
  • Overcoming difficult relationships and a breakdown in trust
  • Supporting teams at risk of being overwhelmed by the scale and speed of change
  • Coaching through the delivery of major culture change and restructure
  • Cross department team building


Team coaching is where we draw upon individual and stakeholder data to offer explicit diagnosis of the key issues (strengths and barriers to team performance). These issues may be well known but honest conversations often have not occurred. Creating the safe conditions for the team to be challenged and for these honest conversations around the team dynamics to be explicitly addressed is necessary for sustained change.

Team coaches facilitate the resourcefulness of the team helping to remove blockages, enhance effectiveness as well as raising the transformative ambition of the team. This goes beyond traditional team facilitation and performance coaching which often focuses upon just the processes and task agendas of the team.

What is Systemic Team Coaching?

A systemic approach to team coaching positions the executive team as a distinct unit or entity whose performance and results depend on the interactive operational responsibility of all of its members functioning as an executive unit. Systemic Team Coaches work in partnership with senior teams and boards to help them improve their collective performance and how the relate to one another. The process develops the executive team in its capacity for collective leadership to more effectively engage with all their key stakeholders and benefit the business and add value. This coaching focus helps improve executive team interfaces and, in turn, is instrumental in developing each individual executive team member, personally and professionally.

What situations that can benefit from Team Coaching?

Managing change within the organisation

Building a new team

Merging multiple teams together

Developing and implementing strategic plans

Increasing individual and collective efficiency

How do Team Coaching sessions work?

Our coaches will often arrange individual introductory meetings prior to commencing the team coaching programme. The content of each session will depend on the issues being addressed. The role of the coach is to facilitate progress towards the set outcomes though posing questions, challenging assumptions, and directing progress of the meeting. Our experienced coaches may share expert knowledge or skills with the team should it be appropriate and helpful.

The number and frequency of sessions will depend on the issues to be addressed, or the transitions to be achieved, but an industry standard is often monthly meetings for 6 months with action points to be undertaken between sessions.

How many people can a Team Coaching session accommodate?                 

In order to ensure everyone is actively involved, Team Coaching sessions usually involve no more than 12 people.

We’ve successfully coached clients from:

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Our Executive Coaches

As Occupational Psychologists and seasoned executive coaches we understand how purpose and mindset drive exceptional behaviours.  Whether you’re seeking to evolve your leadership style, thinking about a career change, transitioning into a new leadership role or seeking to get the best out of your leadership team our world-class executive coaches and Transition Lab specialists can help