What is Coaching?

Coaching is an accelerative process of reflection, confidence building and experimentation.  We will partner with you offering support and constructive challenge to help you gain clarity, cope with uncertainty and take positive actions to support you as a person as well as becoming the best leader you can.  We will help you build awareness and alignment of your strengths, values and behaviours relative to your goals.


The process is facilitated by the coach who creates a safe environment to help you be open and enabled to work through issues. Throughout the process the coach does not judge or criticise.  The coach will also compassionately challenge the client if they sense the client is not being true to themselves or their goals.  We aim to help you take informed and conscious choices. 

Who is Coaching for?

Coaching is suitable for people working at all levels, in Career Synergy we particularly focus on working with founders, C-Suite, partners, and senior leaders. In order to get the best out of coaching, clients will benefit from being committed to the process, being open to creating self-awareness, being accepting of the need to change and willing take actions to develop and overcome blockages. 

What happens in a Coaching session?

Your coach will work with you on a 1:1 basis in a private, discreet environment.  At the beginning of the coaching process, you will set out a contract with your coach. This will enable you both to be clear on the rules and parameters for the coaching sessions including confidentiality, frequency of sessions and duration of sessions. Your first session will also involve a dialogue about your background and what has gotten you to this point, and an exploration of what you want out of the coaching sessions.

How is a Coach different to a Mentor?     

A mentor acts as a supportive adviser, offering suggestions and guidance from within their areas of expertise. A coach empowers the individual to draw on their own resourcefulness to come up with options and an action plan.  A mentor generally acts at a surface level, not taking into account the individual’s values, preferences and skills. A coach operates at a deeper level to ensure the individual is acting in alignment with their values, skills and purpose.     

What is the Coaching process?

The process differs from client to client. The frequency and duration of sessions differs dependent on which form of specialist coaching you require. The number of sessions varies too, we usually find that client reach a point of taking proactive positive action towards their goals or growth by session 6, and that clients who want to embed true change achieve that within 9-12 sessions.

But our preliminary engagement usually follows along these lines:

We start with an introductory call, exploring your needs, context and aspirations.

Following on from that, we’ll have a development meeting to identify stakeholders, sponsors and expectations.

Optional 3-way meeting with manager(s).

5-6 coaching sessions.

We will either have a closing session just with you, or, often with you and your senior manager, to review and identify needs for sustained change.

6 month post-coaching evaluation of systemic impact.

What is Career Coaching?

Career Coaching is focused on your development and effectiveness within the context of your career and work-life. A career coach can be beneficial in helping you sort out salient points related to your professional future. There are times when you may approach a stage in your career where you’re unsure about the next steps; a crossroad or decision point.

Career Coaching often helps you to work towards a career change, or to keep yourself motivated towards a career transition or to get clarity with respect to your current career, and what would make sense in near future. Our career coaching sessions are expertly led and structured to help you to reach clarity within a step by step process.


What areas does Career Synergy Career Coaching focus on?

We work with leaders and senior leader, so our Career Coaching focuses on a range of executive career needs, from career clarity and defining purpose, strengths and preferences, to the practical aspects of personal brand positioning and career change. Our team work with leaders to enhance executive influence, negotiate packages including cross cultural negotiations, and develop shrew career change strategies.


What is Executive Coaching?

Executive coaching focuses on enhancing leadership performance at a level typically associated with executive and company officers, the ‘C-Suite’. The coachee may also be an emerging leader preparing for a senior position. Executive coaching digs deeper than purely identifying and setting goals. It focuses on helping clients achieve positive behaviour shifts by learning to better understand and transform their thoughts, feelings and performance.

As an executive, you are called upon to make major decisions for the organisation in accordance with your scope of responsibility. Executive coaching will help you develop strategies to get the best from your teams, influence your peers and seniors, and use change as a positive catalyst. It will help you gain clarity on your vision and values, and identify your core strengths so that you can move with boldness and confidence towards your goals.


What areas does Career Synergy Executive Coaching focus on?

We work with senior leaders to review your current career from a fresh viewpoint; expand your leadership style to increase impact; get the best from people and build successful teams; increase your self-confidence, gravitas and influence; communicate more effectively; overcoming business and organisational challenges; and develop emotional intelligence and resilience.

We’ve successfully coached clients from:

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If you would like to find out more about how we can help you drive the performance of the business, get the best out of your Executive Team and your Board of Directors give us a call today…

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Our Coaching Team

As Occupational Psychologists and seasoned leadership coaches we understand how purpose and mindset drive exceptional behaviours.  Whether you’re seeking to evolve your leadership style, thinking about a career change, transitioning into a new leadership role or seeking to get the best out of your leadership team our world-class  coaches and Transition Lab specialists can help