Date: 16th June, 2020
Succession planning that used to play out over months and years is now happening in days leaving transitioning1 leaders unprepared for the multiplicity of demands in expanded roles. Shifting responsibilities, typically without promotion in these constrained times, create ‘hidden transitions’ for leaders whose roles are substantively changed, e.g. expanded to cover restructured elements of the […]
Date: 10th June, 2020
Peter Drucker said, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” For new-to-role executives it is important to clarify from the outset what reputation you are seeking to build as an individual and via your team. But how will you do this when working virtually? COVID’s disruption has increased anxieties and the need […]
Date: 21st February, 2020
Are You Trapped By Mediocre Thinking? People often trap themselves in a cycle of low-level success by following conventional job search strategies and typical CV promotion techniques. Understandably, recruiters are not impressed. Conventional people are only credible for small shifts in job responsibility. Achieving a new job with significant managerial responsibilities or in areas outside […]